Used Clothes Grade

Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying

Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying
Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying
Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying
Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying
Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying

Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying   Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying
This is probably the best Death Eater costume you will ever see. It's a man's size outfit, custom made by several craftsmen and women who work professionally in the film industry, and is unique. The outfit includes everything from boots to wand. The wand is an Alivanders 14 inch ebony wand. The nmask is one of only two in the world and is fibreglass and metal.

The boots are full leather, hand made, thigh length in size 10-12 (adjustable). The Wand belt and holster is silk lined, leather made by Troll Konge.

Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying   Custom Death Eater Costume. Super High Collector Grade Harry Potter Cosplaying